The place to find English speaking businesses or services in central France: Allier, Le Cher, La Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Indre and Vienne departments of France.
If you can speak English, we'll put you in touch in a few clicks with a business or service provider who can speak your language.welcome
If you have moved to or a tourist visiting France, the language barrier can be difficult. This site aims to make your life easier - if you can speak English, we'll put you in touch with a business or service provider in Central France, from holiday accommodation, to vets, and everything in between ~ Allier, Le Cher, La Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Indre and Vienne departments or very close to the borders, who can speak your language.
Find a business..
You may need a builder, plumber or electrician, or perhaps a hairdresser, beautician, or home help. Maybe you need a mechanic, a gardener or even a restaurant where you can feel comfortable making your order. Whatever your need, we hope that this site makes your life a little easier.
Useful information...
Not only that, you will soon also find some pages with useful information, especially if you are a newcomer.
Contact with confidence...
Each business has their own page with contact details.
Please note: For the moment, as the site is very new, so there are only a few advertisers. This should quickly change.
Ce site s'adresse spécifiquement aux résidents et aux visiteurs du centre de la France qui n'ont pas encore la confiance nécessaire pour parler français, afin qu'ils puissent entrer en contact avec des entreprises et des services qui parlent anglais.
Mais, quelle que soit votre préférence linguistique, ce site devrait être une ressource locale utile pour les entreprises et les services locaux.
Vous avez peut-être besoin d'un constructeur, d'un plombier ou d'un électricien, ou encore d'un coiffeur, d'une esthéticienne ou d'une aide à domicile. Vous avez peut-être besoin d'un mécanicien, d'un jardinier ou même d'un restaurant où vous vous sentirez à l'aise pour passer votre commande. Quel que soit votre besoin, nous espérons que ce site vous facilitera la vie En outre, vous trouverez également des pages contenant des informations utiles, en particulier si vous êtes un nouvel arrivant.
Bonne navigation. Pour l'instant, le site étant très récent, il n'y a que quelques annonceurs. Cela devrait rapidement changer.
Each business has their own page where you can see their details and easily make contact with the confidence you know that they can speak English with you. Use the menu LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY menu above to find what you are looking for. Please note, that this is a directory, and this website neither recommends or endorses any business featured on its pages, or accepts any responsibility for any works carried out - that is between you, the customer, and the service provider.
On the property for sale pages, you can be assured that either the owner (if it is a private sale) or the estate agent can speak English with you, to help make your property search a little easier.
If you are a business or service provider and would like to have a page on this site please
for all the information.
If you have a property for sale or you are an agent that would like to advertise a specific property, please

My name is Debi and I came up with this idea after years of seeing posts on community groups on Facebook for people asking for English speaking professions - simply because of a language barrier, and that barrier can be so hard at the beginning of our new lives in France. It's totally understandable. No one wants to be misunderstood, or made to feel inadequate. So, while you are getting to grips with a new language, you can confidently contact a local business in speaking English.
I've lived here full time for 20 years this year and I still sometimes doubt my language skills when I pick up that phone!!
I am a registered graphic designer and artist (see my previous life in the UK I ran my own graphic design, marketing and print business for 16 years. Times changed and everything became digital, I moved here, became more of an artist, but now the circle has swung around and graphic and web design is calling me again. I hope that this site brings peace of mind to many and helps local businesses grow.
Happy browsing and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.